GWFinancial Solutions – Debt Management
24 Hour, Complete IT Support
GWFinancial is a fully FCA Approced Debt Solutions Company that will assist in helping to find a way out, that is right for the individual. GW have over twelve years’ management experience in providing debt advice and aims to continue to provide the best advice in a clear and easy to understand manner and we have been with them every step of the way.
Our challenge has been to grow with this company, and helping them expand their IT as they increase the staff and clientel. GWFinancial at the core of their IT requirments is constant uptime 24hrs a day this due to inhouse servers and application systems managing all their payments in from clients and out to creditors, their E-mails and telephone system.
For GWFinancial we provide and have provided so many solutions it wouldn’t be pheasable to list them all here. What we can say is what we provide is 24 hour, telephone, remote and on-site support for all IT requirements. We maintain and service all their equipment from the servers, to workstations and ups equipment. We have deployed our remote networking and monitoring solutions so we can keep an eye on their enitre network at all times using our AI based monitoring platform, as soon as an issue arrises we are made aware so we can rectify it before it causes disription to the companies runnings. It even lets the mail person know when the printer is out of paper and monitors your SLA times.
They have multiple redundancys of every system inhouse just incase there is an issue such as hardware failure, it doesn’t impact the business and staff can carry on working not noticing that anything has happened, whilst in the back end, the IT can be repairing a system they were just working on.
What can I say here, the length of time GWFinancial has been with us, The fact that GWFinancial now run from 8am untill 10pm, Monday to Saturday, they have almost 70 members of staff all with their own workstation and VOIP line and the company has a 99.87% SLA time. Shows we look after our customers just as much as we look after new customers.